How to donate

As a charitable trust, ARCH is entirely dependent upon medical volunteers and donations for its survival.

Every little bit helps.

All donations will receive a receipt for tax refund purposes.

Charity Number: CC38587
GST Number: 101 321 414

Please donate via online banking to account:
ASB 12-3216-0237270-00

For directly banked donations, please send us your details and add a reference to the deposit so that we can acknowledge your donation and send you a receipt for tax purposes.

Secure credit card payment will be available shortly.


The Aotearoa Charity Hospital Trust (ARCH) is a registered charitable trust, established to provide pro bono medical services to some of the region’s most needy patients. ARCH relies on the vision and generous support of its benefactors.

Bequests are a very important way of helping ARCH to achieve its objectives.

If you wish to include a bequest to ARCH in your will, we strongly recommend that you consult your solicitor. Your solicitor will advise you whether to make a new will or add a codicil to an existing one, and will also draft the appropriate wording for you. We suggest a starting point along these lines:

“I give, devise and bequeath (free of all charges and duties) to Aotearoa Charity Hospital Trust:

the sum of $ …………………………………
(or) …% (proportion of my residuary estate…)
(or) …nominated property…
and I further declare that a receipt issued by the Trustees of the Aotearoa Charity Hospital Trust shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Trustees for the same and my Trustees shall not be bound to see the application thereof. In all other respects I confirm my will.”

Naturally, if you prefer to remain anonymous, your gift will be kept confidential. We appreciate your support immensely.

If you have designated Aotearoa Charity Hospital Trust in your will, please let us know. We would like to personally thank you for your generosity.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us:

Aotearoa Charity Hospital Trust
PO Box 31699, Milford, Auckland 0620
Phone : 029 9693549